Friday 7 March 2008

With Amoroso...

With Amoroso, originally uploaded by

Remember Marico Amoroso?

He was and still is one of the most expensive players in the history of soccer. Few have commanded the fees he has been able to earn his contract holders.

This photo was taken deep inside Brasil as he was recovering from a nasty knee injury. On this particular day he was with his medical expert Nivaldo Baldo, a man so colourful he'd look like he was dressing down in Joseph's coat.

He ended up at Malaga shortly after this shot was taken and found it hard to reach the levels he had found with Borussia Dortmund. Shame, as he was easily one of the most exciting strikers the game has ever produced.

Put it this way, we'd be delighted if we could find a player as good as Maricio Amoroso...

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